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Update about RHI and the Renner Family.

Quick update from ReturnHope International and the work we are accomplishing together!
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We exist to ReturnHope to the hopeless by helping restore God’s original plan for their lives
For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you HOPE and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11

Hey Friends and Family.   I am excited to share with you an update  about our family and what is going on with our family mission called ReturnHope International. If you find this email to long to read in one setting, then I encourage you to read parts of it over the next few days.  I hope it encourages you and inspires you to live your life for others…especially Christ! (I want to welcome any new email subscribers from The Refinery Christian Church in Goodyear AZ…I enjoyed speaking there just recently!)

Kelli and I are working hard trying to keep containment of our 4 kids.  We can no longer play man to man defense…it is purely zone now!   Our kids, Madison 18, Riley 16, Garrett 14, & Mia 11 are very busy with school, sports and church/mission world.  It is crazy trying to keep up with them all.  Madison is hoping to go to Manhattan Christian College in the coming fall and the other 3 won’t admit how much they are going to miss her when she goes. I am grateful to announce that our youngest, Mia, was just baptized.

Lauren Ingram, a teacher at Joy Christian Middle School, helped me baptize Mia. Cool side story…Lauren’s dad, Kevin Ingram baptized me back in the 80’s!  God’s pretty cool how He knits stories and lives together.  I am confident He is doing the same in your life to.  Look for Him at work in your life!

Kelli and I have founded ReturnHope International as a not for profit 501c3 organization and we are working hard to do this global mission in a way that honors Christ.  I am excited about some Churches that are starting to contact me about speaking/preaching.  I hope to receive many more calls from pastors and people about guest speaking and encouraging their churches, school, or businesses to be faithful to what Jesus has called us all to do.

(I’d love to come speak at any group, school, business or whatever you ask me to speak at about serving the least of these around the world or in your local city.)

The pics below are highlights of some things that have happened with ReturnHope in JUST THE PAST 60 days since we began this new ministry.  We ask for your prayers and consideration of financial support as we are approximately 45% complete towards raising our family financial support for the year.  We are trusting God and praying that He provides through church’s and individual’s generosity  as we step out in faith to serve him.  Thanks for taking the time to see the rest of this post.

Two Fresh Water Wells have been donated already!    $7000 provides the highest quality water well that uses materials that will last for many decades!! No more diseased water for the people living around these wells! Thousands have literally had their lives changed already by the simple gift of clean water! If you would like to read more about this go to our website by clicking here.  FRESH WATER WELLS!
3 year old Natasha…was found in a nearby village with these burns on her body. Boiling water accident. Her family couldn’t afford medical care. ReturnHope took her to the local hospital, and through people like you, we are able to pay the 500-700 dollars of 2 months medical expenses.  If we didn’t intervene, Natasha would have died from infection.  God used you and me to save this girls life!  She is in the hospital now Please pray for her.
More than 20 pastors and ministry students were a part of 6 hours of Biblical Leadership training and each in attendance received study materials like a Bible, Teaching and Commands of Jesus packet, Concordance, other books, bible maps, etc. (Impact the Pastors…Change the World!)  If you would like to read more about this, just click the following link and it will take you to our webpage about this.  EQUIP A PASTOR
The images above are of Wings of Grace Christian School where Oketch Sam is the Leader.  Sam, (Pictured in pic 3) was born in a very poor Ugandan Village but grew up with a determination to make his homeland a better place.  He is being forced to move his school from what you see in Pic 1 which is a rented facility.  With the help of others and the selling of some of his personal belongings Sam has been able to purchase about 2 acres (seen in Pic 3) and build a very temporary facility for his students to attend school in as soon as it finished.  ReturnHope is not okay with the students (some seen in pic 5) sitting outside for school.

So, contributors are giving to our new INVEST IN VILLAGE TRANSFORMATIONprogram, and already we have been able to invest in enough new desks (Old example in Pic 4) that will seat 100 students so they don’t have to sit on the ground or outside for school classes.  This program also has contributed so that the students get one meal, (Breakfast) at school.  Breakfast is porridge (A mix of ground corn cooked in water.) They deserve more nutritious food and as the program grows with contributors, we will get there!

The #1 prayer request from the men of the villages in Uganda is for help in getting their children an education.  This is the heart of our Village Transformation program.  ReturnHope is working with the school to purchase more land and build permanent facilities.  (Cost per square foot is $18)  In the US…that cost is about 140 per sq ft.  The people in the town of Bugiri are grateful for our service and generosity.  We need to purchase more property for the school, build a latrine, build dorms for the boarding students, purchase school supplies and so much for Wings of Grace.  That’s just the school.  In my next email I will talk about conquering the massive sex/money trade that is taking place.  ReturnHope is also connecting with a sewing school to help individuals learn the trade of sewing.  We are networking with a local farmer who is showing great personal production and success in being self sustaining.
We’ve only begun and God is using you and me to accomplish so much.

We are giving a hand, not a hand out!   There is a big difference in those two.  If you would like to give a hand by going on a trip or by investing in this Village Transformation project,  or anything else…just click on the hand and you can give online.  You can check out our webpage by clicking the link at the end of this email. 

There is so much more that we can do to partner with the people of Bugiri Uganda.  There are so many people (Like the Child in this Picture) who are praying out to God for some help in their pursuit of becoming self sustaining.  We can walk with them and arrive at that very point!  What a great adventure.  Jesus said, “That which you do for the least of these, you do unto me.”  This is the work we are doing for Jesus!  I pray you will join us.  ReturnHope would love to have you travel with us to Uganda coming up June 21-July 2.  Click here for full information and to apply online! 

And of course…if you would like to contribute to any of the Kingdom of Heaven work ReturnHope is doing…we would welcome it.  You can click HERE or the Donate button below and you’ll be taken to our online giving if you would like to give via a debit or credit card.  Any checks can be mailed to the address below.  All donations are tax deductible.  God Bless you for reading this, praying and investing.  If you have any questions you can reach me, attrent@returnhope.com  or call me at 623-628-1400.
God Bless. If you would like to explore our website do so by clicking it.www.returnhope.com 

ReturnHope gives permission for anybody to use any pictures in ReturnHope materials as long as they are used for the purposes of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom work. 🙂 

ReturnHope International INC.
20118 N 67th Ave, Suite 300 – Box 450
Glendale, AZ 85308


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