The images above are of Wings of Grace Christian School where Oketch Sam is the Leader. Sam, (Pictured in pic 3) was born in a very poor Ugandan Village but grew up with a determination to make his homeland a better place. He is being forced to move his school from what you see in Pic 1 which is a rented facility. With the help of others and the selling of some of his personal belongings Sam has been able to purchase about 2 acres (seen in Pic 3) and build a very temporary facility for his students to attend school in as soon as it finished. ReturnHope is not okay with the students (some seen in pic 5) sitting outside for school.
So, contributors are giving to our new INVEST IN VILLAGE TRANSFORMATIONprogram, and already we have been able to invest in enough new desks (Old example in Pic 4) that will seat 100 students so they don’t have to sit on the ground or outside for school classes. This program also has contributed so that the students get one meal, (Breakfast) at school. Breakfast is porridge (A mix of ground corn cooked in water.) They deserve more nutritious food and as the program grows with contributors, we will get there!
The #1 prayer request from the men of the villages in Uganda is for help in getting their children an education. This is the heart of our Village Transformation program. ReturnHope is working with the school to purchase more land and build permanent facilities. (Cost per square foot is $18) In the US…that cost is about 140 per sq ft. The people in the town of Bugiri are grateful for our service and generosity. We need to purchase more property for the school, build a latrine, build dorms for the boarding students, purchase school supplies and so much for Wings of Grace. That’s just the school. In my next email I will talk about conquering the massive sex/money trade that is taking place. ReturnHope is also connecting with a sewing school to help individuals learn the trade of sewing. We are networking with a local farmer who is showing great personal production and success in being self sustaining.
We’ve only begun and God is using you and me to accomplish so much.
We are giv ing a hand, not a hand out! There is a big difference in those two. If you would like to give a hand by going on a trip or by investing in this Village Transformation project, or anything else…just click on the hand and you can give online. You can check out our webpage by clicking the link at the end of this email. |