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In search of a Church where i can best use my strengths…my wish list…

I am in search of a Church that will allow me to lead them in honoring God’s will.

I have a Wish List…If the Church isn’t committed to the point of writing this wish list as its upmost importance, then I must decline leadership in it.  I do not want to just LEAD in it…I want to incarnate it and vice versa.

The Wish List…wishlist

I want my family to be a part of a Church Body that...

1.  …is fully committed to the acknowledgment that there is no difference in our spiritual and secular lives 7 days a week.

2.  …doesn’t rely on a church building, me, or the people up front to be the primary source of growth.

3.  …will disagree well, because our common enemy is the devil, not each other.

4.  …is devoted to the restoration of people who are hungry, thirsty, lonely, or have shattered lives.

5.  …will agree that the Lord is worthy of excellence and only the excellent will be used in public worship gatherings.

6.  …has an aggressive pursuit of Health, Growth, and Love, founded in the Teachings and Commandments of Jesus Christ.

Bonus items…

Will no longer have the Lord’s Supper be a short pause with a little cracker and cup of juice during a worship service, but will meet once a week in homes and have a full supper together.  The Supper is a focused appreciation of common fellowship, Bible Application, prayer, and focus on the Lord’s body and blood.

Every member will be committed to baptizing at least one person a year with whom they have built a trusting and loving relationship with.

Every member will meet regularly with 2 other friends for accountability and prayer.

There is a Church that exists with this focus out there, and they are looking for a leader like me to join them…I just know it.  If not…I’m going to start a brand new one.


  • Barbara Koon |

    Understand that growing in knowledge of Jesus Christ is a personal journey. You as part of this journey can only be a small part of it as the Lord leads you and us. I have seen too many that have followed man and not Jesus on their walk. As I grow and listen to teachers such as yourself, I am reminded always to grow in my personal relationship with my Lord Jesus Christ. It is and will always be a pleasure to listen to your teachings and I pray you find your spot in our community to build the Body of Christ. Thank you for your love in Christ shown to us.

    • Trent |

      Thank you Barbara. I appreciate your encouragement and comments. I am waiting expectantly to see where God will use me next. I’ve vowed to hold nothing back from Him, I’ll go where ever He makes clear.