Maturity in Jesus is best described as a joyful friendship with Him. I am mature in Jesus. It’s my job to make others want to become mature in Jesus. It is my job to remain mature in Jesus. I must never stop continually maturing in Jesus. It’s my job to keep the attitude that I am not the owner of anything, and simply a faithful steward of all things owned by God. It’s my job to look after the church family and be the standard for obeying Jesus’s teachings and commands. I pray others will see my example and be inspired to replicate it. It’s my job to keep my act together. It’s my job to keep my faith like a child’s. It’s my job to keep finding new ways of looking at the world, getting in the world, and helping others of the world want to experience the remarkable forgiveness of Jesus. Even if all my friends believe they’ve arrived and it’s time for someone else to sacrifice. Even if all my friends have quit and left me. I will keep my job, my focus, my determination. I must never settle. I will never retire from the work of changing the populations of heaven and hell. There are so many who will be separated from Jesus for eternity if I choose to ignore the above standard. This is my Job. It is my choice. I am a Follower of Jesus. |
Sounds like a lifetime’s work just from a Free Gift!
You nailed it Ron. The best free gift in the world…definitely deserves my full attention and work! Its all hard work motived from gratefulness.