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(Part 1of 3) “World Vision Controversy”


It has hit the Christendom fan.  World Vision, a self declared Christian Ministry, publicly came out with a position saying that as a Christian Organization they have decided to leave the “theology” up to the Church and they are going to hire people who are openly living outside the guidelines of the Bible. They have specifically created a policy saying that it is okay for their Christian Organization to hire people in a Same Sex marriage to be on their leadership team of their Christian organization.  Let’s dialogue about all this…

I first want to say… I hope that these posts will be studied and accepted by all people living in any situation or circumstance as posts of love, directness, and  based from a Bible perspective.  I personally have friends from most walks of life and life-styles and I believe they know me to be a person who is not judgmental, but as very direct and truthful.

We have to have this discussion without someone throwing the stupid “judgmental christian” card…these issues are of utmost importance that have eternal consequences.  Let’s be direct with each other, but loving and seeking truth.  We have to have these discussions.  We have to seek the Truth.

I want to address the issues that World Vision’s decision has uncovered and stirred up.  There are many.  This blog will be split up into many separate blogs.  I know this material will be long…but I am confident that it will be content that is worth your time.  I also want to say that I am doing everything I can to type this in an attitude of love, directness, and minus my personal opinion as much as possible.  I want the Bible to be my foundation for this whole series of blog posts.


The arguments that have been stirred by World Vision should not be just about homosexuality and/or same sex marriage.  Some want to make World Vision’s decision to be about that…but I want to be clear…

This post is about sin of any kind and it’s mixing with Spiritual Leadership of any kind.

FIRST…World Vision said that they want to leave Theology up to the local Church.  Here in lies the problem with World Vision…they have been led to believe that the local Church is a Top Down power structure that has a piece of property and a building, usually with a steeple, that people gather in, typically on Sundays, and that is called…The Church.

This idea is a worldly-developed idea from the Corporate world that has crept into the Church.  This mentality has caused even Pastors and others to believe and teach that there are Para Church Organizations and Missions Organizations and then there is the Church….They teach, “The Church” is the one that you drive to on Sundays to sing, take an offering, listen to a message, go home and do it again next Sunday.

Q: Where in the Bible do we have this kind of teaching and segregation?  A:  It’s not in the Bible.

There are no “Para Church” Organizations in the Bible.  Shame on us for separating/creating them.  There are no 501 c 3 organizations in the Bible. There are no missions organizations in the Bible.  Not for Profits…etc.

The Bible says, that those who are followers of Jesus Christ as Lord, are the Body of our God.  Period. The Body of Jesus IS THE CHURCH and again…He is the head! (READ 1 Corinthians Chapter 12 for details on this)

Jesus is the head and everyone of us make up the other “body” parts of the Church.  We all have different gifts and changing gifts and strengths.  It is shameful that we as the Church have divided our Church body into Church / Para Church / Missions Orgs / Not for Profits / etc.   It has gotten so out of hand that different parts of Jesus’ Body get different accountability standards.  ie…this wrong system has created double standards where Church boards hold mission organizations to standards that they don’t even follow themselves.  They created organizations that measure how these”mission orgs” spend their money.  Charity Navigator is one example that has been created. This system sticks it to the “missions orgs” and what is commonly called “The Church” get’s a free pass.    The Corporate Church board says that “missions orgs” really shouldn’t be spending more than 5% of their budget on Administrative/management costs while they themselves spend upwards to 50% to 60% or more on their administrative costs in what they call their local churches. (I have been a Sr. Pastor in what is commonly called the Church, and I am now as they call it, a missions leader…I know first hand what the standards are from both perspectives.)   WE as the Church today, have taken on a Corporate structure and called it church, and we believe that the para-church organization…doesn’t even have to live according to Jesus’s standards, because it’s Para Church…or Missions…or Not for profit.   Thus…Richard Stearns says, “We are going to leave the theology up to the Church.”  Is he thinking he has a free pass on honoring the Bible, because somewhere along the way, he believes he and World Vision are not the Church?

We are ALL…THE Church!  The Biblical Standards are the same all across the board.  The Church is anybody CONNECTED to the Head…Jesus The Christ…The King.  The Church is anybody declaring Jesus as Lord of their life and live as the King has commanded.

Richard Stearns’s declaration that World Vision is leaving the theology stuff up to the Church…is crazy wrong.   Since when did “The Church” get to say or designate what the standards of Jesus are?   SINCE NEVER!  Jesus sets the standards and had them recorded in the Bible.  The Bible says what the standards of Jesus are and the Church is either in sin or not in sin as they obey/disobey the standards of Jesus recorded in God’s Word…The Holy Bible!  The Church, the public, popular vote, governments, individuals can’t change Jesus’s standards…ever.


There should not be any segregation of the Church into para church, missions orgs, Not for Profit orgs, Religious Orgs, Denominations, etc…NO…WE ARE ALL THE CHURCH, ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE. Please do not let the world’s corporate structure, that has been forced on Christianity, deceive you into thinking they are all different.  It’s all the Church.  It is all Christianity.

The Point?

WE ARE ALL THE CHURCH!  When we all…individually…stand before Jesus someday for Judgment…Mr. Richard Stearns of World Vision…you will not be able to say to Jesus…“Um, Jesus…I left the theology up to the Church…Um, Jesus…some in the “Church” said that it is okay to ignore that commandment of Yours.  Um, Jesus, that Church group over there didn’t follow that command of yours, so I assumed it was okay for me too…”  

Do you get my point?  One on One with Jesus is where you and I will be someday.  You and I cannot blame anyone for our decisions.  It will be You and Jesus at that point…and like it or not…if you say you are a follower of Jesus…YOU ARE THE CHURCH!  The above paragraph is not just written to Richard Stearns…it is the same truth for me and you.  You will be held accountable for the Truths and the Standards that are written in God’s Word…The Bible.  It doesn’t matter what anyone else does or tells you to do…only you will be accountable for the truth and standards that Jesus gave us in The Holy Bible.

Before this first part of this blog post finishes…I do want to add this. There are LEVELS OF JUDGEMENT coming when Jesus returns.

There will be those who are not teachers and leaders of Christianity who get one level of Judgment from Jesus.  And then…

There will be those who are judged with even more strictness….these are the Teachers and Leaders of Christianity.

James 3:1 in The Holy Bible says, “Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.”

It’s a very dangerous thing to lead, teach, or be on staff in Christianity…whether that Church be called World Vision, The Salvation Army, The YMCA, ReturnHope International, or your local congregation on the street corner with a steeple.  We will all be held accountable for our spiritual leadership in Christianity…THE CHURCH….Individually.

World Vision is pretty much saying anybody can lead and teach in Christianity and leadership within a Christian organization…no matter their life choices…but have they considered the warnings of James 3:1?

Thus…part 2 post…coming soon…




Do you have “American-Christian Elephantitis?”

Those of you who know me, know that my wife and I have started a Christian 501c3 organization called, “ReturnHope International.” 

Anyway….I say that to say…

Some of ReturnHope’s work is being done in Africa.  I have a deep love for the people of Africa.  Specifically the people of Uganda.  When I was in Uganda recently, I spoke with a couple locals who were asking me about what American’s think of Ugandans…or Africans, in General.

One of the Ugandan people got more specific with me.  This person told me they received a letter from an American describing how two Christians were fighting in America over work that needed to be done in Africa.  The letter was warning the Africans to stay out of the conflict to avoid getting hurt.

They told me that the writer of the letter used an African Proverb to try to make a point to them.   “What African Proverb was used,” I asked.  They responded by quoting the proverb…



The African told me that the letter was warning them about how they are the only ones who would get trampled by these fighting Americans and they needed to make sure they stayed out of the way of the Elephants that were fighting.  Then the African asked me a question, with obvious hurt and frustration on his face…

“Do American’s think themselves as elephants, and Africans as grass?”

I very sincerely replied, “I can only speak for myself…I cannot begin to tell you what the writer of that letter thinks, but I am deeply sorry if you have been hurt by this person’s letter.  It does seem the writer believes themselves to be an Elephant….and you Africans as the grass, that gets hurt when they fight.”   I then told them that most American’s do not think this way.

I also said,  “since we are talking about proverbs, have you heard the proverb… “One bad apple can ruin the whole barrel.” Then I said, “let me just say that very few Americans would actually think in such an arrogant and ungodly way…please do not let this one American, who wrote the letter, ruin it for the rest of us Americans.”

I also asked the recipient of the letter, to give the writer of the letter, the benefit of the doubt by hoping the writer just displayed their own ignorance by trying to use an African proverb in an attempt to sound smarter than they actually are.

What I thought was just a friendly conversation between some people getting to know each other, was actually…I believe…the voice of God warning me and other American Christians about how we treat the very people we serve…”in the name of Jesus.”

If you are a Christian who is also American…and you do good work for the less fortunate, locally and/or in foreign places…I have some questions for you.

1.  Do you think you are actually taking God to the foreigner?  If you do…you are ignorant of the real God and ignorant of how active and alive He is all around the world…and how patient God is with your ignorance.   God is at work everywhere…and we as followers of Jesus must choose to obey His commands to serve the less fortunate….but…God is already there and working…we aren’t so special that we are actually taking God to them.

2.  Do you think you are an Elephant and the less fortunate are just Grass?  The American writer of the letter that used this African proverb, is all the evidence the Africans needed to think all American’s are arrogant.  The damage has been done and it will take many-many Americans going to Africa with humble attitudes and humble servants hearts to prove, through our actions, that 99.9% of Americans do not think that Africans are grass under our American elephant feet.  Good Grief!  I am so frustrated by this letter that was written and caused serious mental damage.

Only God is THE Elephant…the rest of us are but grass!

3.  With the work you do in 3rd world countries or to the less fortunate in the USA…are you actually serving the recipient to a point where they are growing into self sufficiency(Being ‘grass’ with them)…or are you causing them to become dependent upon your giving?   Think long and hard on this one…How many years have well intentioned Christians been in Africa trying to do good, yet African self sufficiency is no closer to a reality?  Think of it this way… If you disappeared from the foreign fields you have been doing good in…would the people of that foreign field be able to succeed without you and your gifts / aid?  Is the good you are doing for the least of these, leading them into working towards self sufficiency, or toward dependency on you?

In Conclusion…

Never forget what Jesus said as He was talking about His 2nd return…

“The Grass shall be the Elephant and the Elephant shall be the grass.”

Or…more biblically correct…

The last shall be first!  The first shall be last! (Its all about motive/attitude) Hey letter writer…Do you still think you are an elephant and the Africans are just grass?

One last sentence in my rant towards the bully elephant’…

Jesus…is THE Elephant.  When He came to earth and incarnated Himself from an Elephant to just a piece of grass…He washed our feet.  He let us abuse Him.  He served us.  He let us kill Him.  “For even the Son of Man came not to be an elephant but to be grass, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Please read Mark 10:45 for the exact version. 

The Bull Elephant served the grass that in return mowed Him down.

Oh writer of this letter to the Africans…  For God’s sake…for Africa’s sake…for your very own eternal destination’s sake…Do NOT think any longer that you are an Elephant and that Africans are but grass…you owe the Africans an apology.  You owe it to Americans to redeem our reputation. 

To all servants of the most High God…may the recipients of our service see our love and humility and may we demonstrate our equality amongst them.

If you still think you are an Elephant…you have your animals confused…you are mistaking an elephant for a donkey.

“If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”  2 Chronicles 7:14

For the Record…..

 I, Trent A. Renner, am a piece of grass.

Update about RHI and the Renner Family.

Quick update from ReturnHope International and the work we are accomplishing together!
View this email in your browser

We exist to ReturnHope to the hopeless by helping restore God’s original plan for their lives
For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you HOPE and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11

Hey Friends and Family.   I am excited to share with you an update  about our family and what is going on with our family mission called ReturnHope International. If you find this email to long to read in one setting, then I encourage you to read parts of it over the next few days.  I hope it encourages you and inspires you to live your life for others…especially Christ! (I want to welcome any new email subscribers from The Refinery Christian Church in Goodyear AZ…I enjoyed speaking there just recently!)

Kelli and I are working hard trying to keep containment of our 4 kids.  We can no longer play man to man defense…it is purely zone now!   Our kids, Madison 18, Riley 16, Garrett 14, & Mia 11 are very busy with school, sports and church/mission world.  It is crazy trying to keep up with them all.  Madison is hoping to go to Manhattan Christian College in the coming fall and the other 3 won’t admit how much they are going to miss her when she goes. I am grateful to announce that our youngest, Mia, was just baptized.

Lauren Ingram, a teacher at Joy Christian Middle School, helped me baptize Mia. Cool side story…Lauren’s dad, Kevin Ingram baptized me back in the 80’s!  God’s pretty cool how He knits stories and lives together.  I am confident He is doing the same in your life to.  Look for Him at work in your life!

Kelli and I have founded ReturnHope International as a not for profit 501c3 organization and we are working hard to do this global mission in a way that honors Christ.  I am excited about some Churches that are starting to contact me about speaking/preaching.  I hope to receive many more calls from pastors and people about guest speaking and encouraging their churches, school, or businesses to be faithful to what Jesus has called us all to do.

(I’d love to come speak at any group, school, business or whatever you ask me to speak at about serving the least of these around the world or in your local city.)

The pics below are highlights of some things that have happened with ReturnHope in JUST THE PAST 60 days since we began this new ministry.  We ask for your prayers and consideration of financial support as we are approximately 45% complete towards raising our family financial support for the year.  We are trusting God and praying that He provides through church’s and individual’s generosity  as we step out in faith to serve him.  Thanks for taking the time to see the rest of this post.

Two Fresh Water Wells have been donated already!    $7000 provides the highest quality water well that uses materials that will last for many decades!! No more diseased water for the people living around these wells! Thousands have literally had their lives changed already by the simple gift of clean water! If you would like to read more about this go to our website by clicking here.  FRESH WATER WELLS!
3 year old Natasha…was found in a nearby village with these burns on her body. Boiling water accident. Her family couldn’t afford medical care. ReturnHope took her to the local hospital, and through people like you, we are able to pay the 500-700 dollars of 2 months medical expenses.  If we didn’t intervene, Natasha would have died from infection.  God used you and me to save this girls life!  She is in the hospital now Please pray for her.
More than 20 pastors and ministry students were a part of 6 hours of Biblical Leadership training and each in attendance received study materials like a Bible, Teaching and Commands of Jesus packet, Concordance, other books, bible maps, etc. (Impact the Pastors…Change the World!)  If you would like to read more about this, just click the following link and it will take you to our webpage about this.  EQUIP A PASTOR
The images above are of Wings of Grace Christian School where Oketch Sam is the Leader.  Sam, (Pictured in pic 3) was born in a very poor Ugandan Village but grew up with a determination to make his homeland a better place.  He is being forced to move his school from what you see in Pic 1 which is a rented facility.  With the help of others and the selling of some of his personal belongings Sam has been able to purchase about 2 acres (seen in Pic 3) and build a very temporary facility for his students to attend school in as soon as it finished.  ReturnHope is not okay with the students (some seen in pic 5) sitting outside for school.

So, contributors are giving to our new INVEST IN VILLAGE TRANSFORMATIONprogram, and already we have been able to invest in enough new desks (Old example in Pic 4) that will seat 100 students so they don’t have to sit on the ground or outside for school classes.  This program also has contributed so that the students get one meal, (Breakfast) at school.  Breakfast is porridge (A mix of ground corn cooked in water.) They deserve more nutritious food and as the program grows with contributors, we will get there!

The #1 prayer request from the men of the villages in Uganda is for help in getting their children an education.  This is the heart of our Village Transformation program.  ReturnHope is working with the school to purchase more land and build permanent facilities.  (Cost per square foot is $18)  In the US…that cost is about 140 per sq ft.  The people in the town of Bugiri are grateful for our service and generosity.  We need to purchase more property for the school, build a latrine, build dorms for the boarding students, purchase school supplies and so much for Wings of Grace.  That’s just the school.  In my next email I will talk about conquering the massive sex/money trade that is taking place.  ReturnHope is also connecting with a sewing school to help individuals learn the trade of sewing.  We are networking with a local farmer who is showing great personal production and success in being self sustaining.
We’ve only begun and God is using you and me to accomplish so much.

We are giving a hand, not a hand out!   There is a big difference in those two.  If you would like to give a hand by going on a trip or by investing in this Village Transformation project,  or anything else…just click on the hand and you can give online.  You can check out our webpage by clicking the link at the end of this email. 

There is so much more that we can do to partner with the people of Bugiri Uganda.  There are so many people (Like the Child in this Picture) who are praying out to God for some help in their pursuit of becoming self sustaining.  We can walk with them and arrive at that very point!  What a great adventure.  Jesus said, “That which you do for the least of these, you do unto me.”  This is the work we are doing for Jesus!  I pray you will join us.  ReturnHope would love to have you travel with us to Uganda coming up June 21-July 2.  Click here for full information and to apply online! 

And of course…if you would like to contribute to any of the Kingdom of Heaven work ReturnHope is doing…we would welcome it.  You can click HERE or the Donate button below and you’ll be taken to our online giving if you would like to give via a debit or credit card.  Any checks can be mailed to the address below.  All donations are tax deductible.  God Bless you for reading this, praying and investing.  If you have any questions you can reach me, at[email protected]  or call me at 623-628-1400.
God Bless. If you would like to explore our website do so by clicking it.www.returnhope.com 

ReturnHope gives permission for anybody to use any pictures in ReturnHope materials as long as they are used for the purposes of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom work. 🙂 

ReturnHope International INC.
20118 N 67th Ave, Suite 300 – Box 450
Glendale, AZ 85308

[email protected]

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Heaven is real, the Bible is true and God loves you more than you’ll ever understand.

What is 1 Day in Uganda like? Please read all of this… Please!

Imagine if you woke up this morning and the entire state you lived in was transformed into what can only be called ‘sheer desperation’.


(Please have the perseverance and courage to read this entire story)


When you awoke, you were sleeping on a piece of foam 4 inches thick, 4ft wide by 6 feet long.  The foam was crumbling from rot and dirt. It is more of a barrier from the hard floor than a comfort.  The blanket you are under is tattered and full of holes.  You wonder how you could possibly be comfortable.  Then you recognize that your comfort and warmth was coming from your spouse and four children sleeping around and on you…on that one mat.   As you lay there wondering how this has happened you focus on the ceiling and you recognize that your home is now the one room mower shed that is typically in the backyards of most American homesteads.IMG_5725


As you quietly get up to try to understand how you are in such horrible circumstances you first see the ants and the cockroaches scamper from under your bed and the one chair in the corner.   As you open the door to outside, all you see are others in the very same circumstances.  Your TV’s are gone, your beautiful home is not there.  Your car is not there and if it was, you realize $3.50 for one gallon is more than 3 days wages that your husband brings home.


As you peak outside, you smile a little, when you see in the yard, a mother Hen with 8 little chicks scampering around her.  They are very cute as they chase that little grasshopper in hopes for some breakfast.


As you step out of your home into the light of the new day, your stomach growls.  You know that you are going to need to eat, but even more you know your spouse and children will be rising soon and they too will want to eat.  So you peak back in your new home…the garden shed.  You see a very small blue plastic bag.  Your are curious.  You find beans and some rice and one nearly blackened banana.  As you look around for other food items, hoping for a nice bowl of cereal and cold milk, or bagel with cream cheese, or fresh bacon and eggs on toast…you recognize there is not even a stove or a microwave to prepare such foods.  You stare at the walls and understand there are no cupboards with dishes, no drawers with utensils, no sink for washing, no water to wash or to cook with.


You discover an aluminum bowl with a stick resting in it.  You figure you could cook the rice and beans with some water so your spouse and 4 children may have some breakfast.  You accept this reality and you take the cooking bowl, rice and beans, and prepare to cook it.  You first look for the stove.  It does not exist.  It cannot exist in this new house…there is no space and even if I had the space it would take nearly a years wages to pay for a stove and even if I could pay for the stove, there is no electricity or natural gas lines to power it.IMG_5751


You feel like panicking.  You are overwhelmed at your new reality.  You look around your one room home…You see your other 2 outfits to wear, and the one or two sets of old clothes for each of your other 5 family members.  There is no room.  You can barely see the floor of your home because it is so small and there is no room for anything you possess and it is all just stacked upon each other.


You realize that in order to have some moving around space, you must try to create some living space outside.   You have no lawn chairs or patio furniture, so you think to yourself that you will buy a floor mat that you could sit on and your children could play on.  You hope it will be big.  You go inside your home to find your money stash, or at least your debit card, or possibly your password so you can get money from your bank accounts.  You soon discover they do not exist.  The only money you have is 2 quarters, a dime and 6 pennies.   You realize you are lucky, because that is the price of a small mat.  But you pause and recognize that if you spend those coins on the mat, you will not have any money to buy beans and rice for your family tomorrow.  You begin to cry because you now know that there is not enough food for lunch and dinner for that day.  Just beans and rice for breakfast and you hope the school will feed your children.  But you feel a sense of desperation because you know you cannot afford for your children to attend a school.


You tell yourself that you will worry about that later.  For now, you need water to cook the rice and beans, for you can hear the kids stirring inside and they will soon be asking for breakfast.


You seek water for cooking the rice and beans.  The only thing you find is a yellow gas can in the back of your house/shed.  You grab it and look for the sink.  It does’t exist.  You look outside for a water spout to turn on so you can get a gallon or two of fresh water to drink and cook with.  You notice your mouth is dry and you too thirst for water.   You glance across the street and you see other people in the exact same circumstances.  There is a group of ladies who are all filing in single file line, chattering with one another as they walk down the hill for a 2 mile walk to fetch some water for drinking and cooking and maybe washing.


If you are the mother of the family, you must decide if you want to go fetch water or send one of your older daughters or possibly one of your younger boys.  Your 2 year old boy, now sitting on the floor with the ants scurrying around him just smiles and gazes at you with true love.  You cannot believe that you do not have any pants for him, so he sits on the floor with ants with only a shirt on.  He does’t mind.  He doesn’t know any better.


You pick him up and give him a squeeze and you recognize that you need to pick up the ‘house.’  So, you awaken your other daughter…now 13 years old.   You ask her to take the yellow gas can on the 2 mile walk to bring back some water.  She doesn’t complain, gets up, rubs her eyes and sets off on the journey.   You pray for her safety as she makes the journey.  You pray the 17 year old boys of the town will not rape her and you pray that she has the sense to stay with the group for safety.  You also pray that she has the strength to carry the 40 pounds of water back up the hill to your home on the 2 mile walk back.IMG_5712


You pray that the water source will not have any animal feces in it or that the rain from last night, as it washes to the water source, doesn’t encounter any dead animals and carry more disease to the water you must drink everyday.  You pray that maybe today the water will be less milky colored and more clear.  You pray to God that He will protect the family from all the disease that this water brings with it.  You feel overwhelmed that it is the only water you have to drink, period.


If you are the wife, you do all you can to keep your mind off of your daughter journeying to the water source, so you get the others up and ask them to clean up around them, you send them off to the school that you hope will let them attend without paying and maybe even feed them.


You are beginning to become so desperate that you and your husband actually consider having you go into town at night, where the truck drivers park their trucks and pay 2 or 3 dollars for sex with you.  You know if you do this, your kids will eat much better, but you worry about HIV.  You know it will embitter your husband even though you both agreed it’s the only way to provide for the family.  You haven’t caved in to that temptation yet, but you are growing ever more desperate every day.


You hope the dollar your husband makes that day will be stretched further as you encounter others in the same circumstances at the market.  Maybe some trade and bartering can take place.  Instead of buying a mat for the front of the house for the kids to play on, you can be resourceful and pull some of the local reeds that grow nearby and find some old string and tie them together and make a flat mat, so that the kids aren’t directly in the dirt.IMG_5709


If you are the husband, you get up, frustrated, that you are headed into town or down the road where you might find a farmer who will give you 50 cents…maybe up to 2 dollars for your day of working in his fields.   You know that amount of money will barely sustain your family with the rice and beans so you at least may not starve to death.  You are losing weight because you forgo some meals, hoping the farmer might provide a small meal for your work, so your children may have a little extra food as they are growing.




You have no stove, so you cook your rice and beans behind your house over firewood.


You find out your kids are not allowed to attend school because they do not have a uniform or school supplies, or the administration fees for them to attend so the teachers may be paid even a little.


You wait for your husband to come home, hoping he made a little extra money that day.


You pray and hope that your children do not get sick, especially from Malaria from mosquitos, because you have no medicine and cannot afford to go to any hospital.


You pick wild bananas in hopes that somebody, maybe even a tourist, would journey past and pay you a quarter for some bananas, but you recognize that everybody is selling small bunches of bananas.  You pray someone buys yours.


You hope there is water left over from breakfast to feed the tomato plants on the side of your house, so you don’t have to take another 4 mile trip for dirty water.  You hope you can trade your tomatoes for some corn or an onion or a mango.


You pray to God for this all to change.  You are working very hard, there just is not income.


You pray to God that a Christian from a more prosperous part of the world might choose to give and help and serve.  You pray that thousands of Christians around the world would sacrifice as much as they can every month to help conquer this injustice.


You met an American missionary today who asked you what you hope would happen first so that your life might be less desperate…you reply…I beg that my children could go to a good school, where they can eat, receive a good education and change their future.  You say that you can get by, but you are praying to the Lord that your children’s future will be better because they learned new ways of life through their school and education and world exposure.


You thank the missionary for coming to visit you and you hope that he will preach at the church you attend on Sunday.


You sing to the Lord nearly 10 times a day… songs like… “God you are good, God you are good, God you are good, you’re so good to me.”  You sing it with a smile knowing that you will join Him for eternity and it is there you will have no tears, no starvation, no hurt, no thirst and pure joy.


You are joyful, even amidst all this day’s injustice.

READER…IF YOU WANT TO BE A SOLUTION TO THIS INJUSTICE….PLEASE START BY DONATING SOME OF YOUR MONEY MONTHLY.  www.ReturnHope.com  I am asking you to consider sacrificing eating out one time a month as a family.  You can take that $40 and give it to the least of these through Return Hope International.   The 40 comes from Matthew 25:40.  Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, that which you do for the least of these, you do unto me.”   Just click the ReturnHope Logo and donate.  

It’s not the 40 that is such a huge amount that helps so much…it’s the power of many of us giving 40 dollars each a month.  Call your friends and have them join you in giving 40 a month for the least of these.  I will come speak and tell stories and show pictures at any group you request me to join.  We must do this together.  The eternal impact is huge!




YOU WILL NEVER BE THE SAME.  Please remember what Jesus said…

“Where you treasure is…there you your heart is also.”  

Will you serve? I’m headed to Uganda in a few days…it has begun!

ReturnHopeLogo  ReturnHope International’s website is up and functioning!  If you are reading this…then you probably have thought about the Renner Family and possibly prayed for us and for that I am grateful.

I am so thankful and humbled to be the President/CEO of ReturnHope.  I am working hard to raise financial support for 2014 for my family to live on as we do this work.

I can’t thank you enough for your prayers and encouragement to me, Kelli and our four children, Madison, Riley, Garrett and Mia.  I am excited about what lies ahead as I lead ReturnHope International into places all around the world.

I am praying for you in hopes that you will go with me, sooner or later, to these places in the name of Jesus.  The trips we will be taking are life changing for all involved.

I am actually getting ready to board a plane in a few days for the trek to Uganda Africa to meet our partners and determine some of the most urgent and important needs that God might be directing us to impact.  IMG_4524I am excited to get back home with the pictures (Like the one on the left from the last trip I took to Uganda!), videos, and reports on what we must do for the Kingdom of Heaven.  I also spoke with a gentleman this morning about doing some local ministry for the least of these right here in AZ!

As our website is up and runningit still has some work that needs to be done on it…but you will be able to check it out and see our focus, I am hoping and praying that you will continue with having a global impact through the Lord Jesus Christ.  Your investment in this ministry this year is what will lay the foundation for decades of doing what Jesus commands of us all!

I am asking you to prayerfully consider investing financial support in the Kingdom of Heaven through ReturnHope.  If this is something that you want to do, there are now several ways that you can accomplish it.  Please see the details below.  If I can personally answer any questions you have, please feel free to ask me.  My contact information is at the end of this email.  My cell phone is below too.  Just call me or email me.

  • ONLINE GIVING is possible through our website.  You can give through your credit card one time or as a recurring gift.  Just follow the simple instructions once you hit the red donate button on the website.
  • DIRECT DEPOSITS from your bank account to ReturnHope’s.  Email me for the bank account information.
  • SEND A CHECK VIA THE MAIL.  The ReturnHope Mailing address is:

ReturnHope International
20118 N 67th Ave #450
Glendale, AZ 85308

 All of your ministry investments are tax deductible.  Thank you for who you are and your commitment to live for God!

Trent Renner

email: [email protected]

Mobile:  623-628-1400



